Webinar Download

How to Advise on Private Investments


Join tru advisor Tommy Martin & tru CEO Craig Stuvland to see how private investments could increase the value of your business.

Please fill out the form below to gain access to the webinar.

What will you gain?

Venture capital has evolved into one of the most significant, and certainly best-known, asset classes within the private equity space. Venture-backed startups, like Uber, Stripe, Slack, AirBNB and the like have redefined entire concepts of industry, with some trailblazers even usurping the traditional oil and banking giants.

But accessing this asset class has traditionally been out of reach of the average financial advisor. Despite sharing common goals and potential clients, the logic and process of VC investing has remained opaque and distant. Until now.

See how financial advisors can use venture capital to:

Diversify Portfolios 
Reduce volatility and enhance performance

Add Value
Transparent onboarding and ongoing communication that keeps your advice front and center

Attract Larger Clients 
Provide the ability to speak to more complex investment preferences held by those with ultra high net worth. 

Learn from Industry Experts

Get answers to questions like:

  • Can I manage Venture Capital Funds under my current client agreements and charge my normal AUM fee?
  • How are fees and other costs disclosed to clients?
  • How do you adjust your investment narrative to include venture capital?
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Craig Stuvland


tru Independence


Tommy Martin


Vestia & Mammoth